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Magline offers UAS products to OEM customers interested on a quick route to the market rather than starting up their own UAS development program. Often integrations take extensive testing and debugging for a safe product to be used. Magline offers project managers unexpensive solutions, fully integrated that can be custom build for the specific application when there is a tight schedule for deliveries. Magline trains crews on design, manufacturing, flight operations and also maintenance, so that the initial operations can be established in a fraction of the time of what it would mean to go through the whole UAS program to bring up a prototype. Platforms designed by Magline are among industry´s best, and they have been chosen as a robust solution, for their performance and quality assurance level by a number of qualified End Users. All our systems feature COTS flight management systems and are payload agnostic to offer a flexible specification for the system into the market.


Go Modular. COMPOSITE monocoque structures INTEGRATED with modern control systems, power plant and communications.


Go unmanned.


Our 7500sqm development and production center is based in a local aerodrome (Zaragoza, SPAIN).

Integration services

Magline their UAS based on specialized team of experts.